Top 5PriceChange
BOAS3 3956,09%
ONTBF2 3002,45%
TTLS2 3502,17%
SOGC4 6901,96%
SGBC19 6001,55%
Flop 5PriceChange
CABC1 020-6,85%
SLBC13 000-6,47%
BOAN2 520-4,91%
CBIBF9 705-2,71%
Market Activities
Value805 398 905 FCFA
Equities Capitalization10 058 833 868 027 FCFA
Bonds Capitalization10 355 975 950 872 FCFA


Asset Management Companies are legal entities which engage mainly in the management of private securities by way of investments and trading on the stock exchange. They do this via Investment Management Companies (IMCs) to which they send the corresponding orders to discretely handle the management of securities entrusted to them for a management term established with their customers.

These management companies, acting on behalf of third parties, must not hold the securities and/or funds of their customers. They are called Asset Management Companies.

The conditions for the approval of Asset Management Companies are defined in CREPMF’s General Rules and Regulations and under CREPMF’s Instruction 5/97 relating to the approval of Asset Management Companies. 

Immeuble JECEDA 01
(225) 20 30 50 65
(225) 20 33 51 00