Wednesday, April 1, 2020; Mr. Karim Hajji, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) retired from his position as CEO on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 and consequently as the President of the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA).
Mr. Hajji was elected as President of ASEA in November 2018 at the 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association and has served for 2 years. During his stint at the helm of ASEA, he spearheaded a number of key initiatives such as markets’ integration through a flagship project of ASEA, the African Exchanges Linkage Project (AELP) and realignment of the ASEA membership structure.
Mr. Hajji will be succeeded by Dr. Edoh Kossi Amenounve, the CEO of the Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres. Dr. Amenounve joined the ASEA Executive Committee in November 2014 and was elected Deputy-President ASEA in November 2018.
Mr. Hajji expressed great honor to have served as president and exuded confidence in the success of African capital markets. “It has been a great honor working at the helm of such a prestigious Association and being mandated with the responsibility of driving the growth of the African capital market. I had the immense pleasure of working alongside some of Africa’s great minds and I have no doubt that our markets will reach great heights. I wish Dr. Amenounve all the best in his new role.” He said.
On his part, Dr. Amenounve thanked Mr. Hajji for his leadership over the years and wished him well.
“On behalf of the Executive Committee of ASEA, I wish to thank Mr. Hajji for his astute leadership and for enabling the Association achieve key milestones that have led to the advancement of the objectives of ASEA for the past 16 months. We wish Mr. Hajji the very best in his future endeavors.” He said.
Dr Edoh Kossi Amenounve is a Ph.D. in Finance from Laval University, Canada (1995) and has a long career of more than 23 years in the capital markets industry.
About ASEA
The African Securities Exchanges Association is the Premier Association of the twenty-five (25) securities exchanges in Africa who have come together with the aim of developing Member Exchanges and providing a platform for networking. ASEA was established in 1993 and works closely with its Members to unlock the potential of the African Capital Markets,
“To enable African Securities Exchanges to be key significant drivers of the economic and societal transformation of the year 2025.”
“To provide a forum for mutual communication, exchange of information, co-operation and technical assistance among its members, to facilitate the process of financial integration within the region for the effective mobilization of capital to accelerate economic development of Africa.”
For more information, contact:
Ms. Furaha Karba
Head of ASEA Secretariat