Top 5PriceChange
BOAS2 8506,54%
Flop 5PriceChange
SLBC12 905-4,41%
CIEC2 105-3,88%
SPHC3 750-1,06%
SIBC3 500-0,99%
Market Activities
Value501 520 356 FCFA
Equities Capitalization10 105 118 022 872 FCFA
Bonds Capitalization10 559 520 114 275 FCFA

Market monitoring

There are several opportunities offered to investors who wish to monitor the BRVM stock market. They can do so by:

  • Logging on to the BRVM’s current website to get all the information on stock market prices, market trends and financial information on the listed companies ;
  • Using the BRVM mobile application on IOS and Android;
  • Going to the BRVM headquarters in Abidjan or the BRVM National Branch Offices located in the various Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) where free access is made available;
  • Subscribing to INFOS BRVM to receive SMS feed with stock market information from mobile telephone operators;
  • Contracting an information reseller approved by the BRVM;
  • Logging on to the website of his or her Brokerage Firm (SGI) or bank;
  • Using the mobile application offered by his or her Brokerage Firm (SGI) or bank, if any.